Our Itinerary

Our Itinerary:

New Orleans USA, Nassau Bahamas, Ponta Delgada Azores, Malaga, Cartegena, Valencia, Barcelona Spain, Alexandria Egypt (overnight), Suez Canal,
Aqaba Jordon, Luxor (Safaga) Egypt, Dubai United Arab Emirates, Goa India, Cochin India, Penang Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (Port Kelang) Malaysia, Singapore

Friday, 30 March 2012

We're packing

Started packing.....well, sort of.  I've been putting things in, changing my mind and then taking them out again.  I always end up doing this.....just ask Roy. :)
Why can't I pack once and quickly????


  1. I understand your packing dilemma Jill!

    1. Lol.... I know. Why is it so difficult for us girls? For the boys, it's so easy.. ;)

  2. It's difficult for us girlies because we have to do the mens packing as well....
