Our Itinerary

Our Itinerary:

New Orleans USA, Nassau Bahamas, Ponta Delgada Azores, Malaga, Cartegena, Valencia, Barcelona Spain, Alexandria Egypt (overnight), Suez Canal,
Aqaba Jordon, Luxor (Safaga) Egypt, Dubai United Arab Emirates, Goa India, Cochin India, Penang Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (Port Kelang) Malaysia, Singapore

Friday, 25 May 2012

DAY 38 at sea

Today is our final sea day of the voyage.  Tomorrow Penang, then it’s on to Port Kelang and then our destination, Singapore.

Its official, our Voyager of the Seas Chef makes the best Bread and Butter pudding ever. J Every now and then it’s there up in the Windjammer with lunch. It’s a favourite of everyone. Some Mums and Grandmothers won’t want to hear this….lol.

We had a very relaxing day; this is becoming a habit on our sea days.  Getting up late, enjoying ‘brunch’, maybe having a game of golf or table tennis then suddenly the day has gone.

Yesterday we had the final of our Progressive Trivia.  We didn’t win but came in 4th, we were happy with that as there were 16 teams playing.

The first full DreamWorks parade was excellent with all the characters of Madagascar. The lightening, music and characters really looked good. The kids are going to love this, we only have a few kids on board, maybe less than 20 and they all looked so excited as the characters came by and always stopped by them so they could see them close up and touch them.

We decided not to eat in the dining room and just have an early casual meal at the Windjammer after our drinks in the Diamond Lounge. Go chatting to people in the lounge and before we knew it we had just enough time to go down from Deck 14 to Deck 11 to the Windjammer and grab a bite to eat before it closed.  It’s so easy to lose track of time. The only time we watch the clock is when we are ashore as we know we have to be back by a certain time.

Our early night turned into a late night again because having eaten so late we didn’t want to go straight to bed on a full stomach so went off walking around the ship and by the time you stop and chat here and there it’s midnight again.

Shopping in Penang tomorrow J J